Lead Bold Blog

Welcome to the Lead Bold Blog
“Only when diverse perspectives are included, respected, and valued can we start to get a full picture of the world.” - Brene Brown, Dare to Lead
“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” - Mother Teresa
Welcome to the space where we share diverse perspectives about leadership to encourage and equip you on your ministry journey. Together we can do great things! Join the conversation in the comments section at the end of each post.
Rt Rev Dr. Eleanor Sanderson says, “To lead in a crisis, we must be led ourselves by God. Again, there is no short-cut to learning this responsiveness to the Holy Spirit. We can lead a community in crisis because we ourselves are constantly, humbly, learning how to be led by the Holy Spirit.” (Read her full article, "Leadership in a Time of Crisis", HERE)
We've asked Lead Bold leaders to share what God is teaching them during this current COVID-19 crisis. May their words encourage you.